vrijdag 3 augustus 2018

#4 - The First attributes

After a rather busy week, i finally had some time left over to do some coding again. I decided to continue on the Attribute system in the Cycling Manager game (see earlier blog posts). After some work i have now added the following attributes:

  • Climbing (gives a chance of a 1-2 bonus to add to a 1-6 diceroll when starting your turn on a hill or mountain) 
  • Soloriding (gives a chance of a 1-2 bonus to add to a 1-6 diceroll when starting your turn solo) 
  • Group Technique (gives a chance of a 1-2 bonus to add to a 1-6 diceroll when starting your turn in a group of 3 or more players) 
  • Sprinting (gives you an entirely new dice to throw when sprinting to the finish line) 
  • Restoration (gives you a better odd of restoring energy between races) 
  • Flair (gives you a chance to move an extra square when you move energy)
So far, the code is reasonably manageable, however the results do not feel perfect yet. For some reason the bonuses can seem overpowered and i also feel that i have not yet struck a good balance between tactics and luck. 

I think the only solution is to add another part to the game where you can influence your attributes. Currently the attributes of all the players in the team are fixed, which means that you make the most important decision at the start of the game (which players do i choose) and then just see what happens (with minimal tactical influence in using or restoring energy). 

Stuff to think about! 

My next step will be to add the remaining attributes and then upload this version of the game. 

Hopefully i will receive some feedback and get a great new idea to continue with the game. 

Thank you for reading! PS. If you are interested in the game, you can download it on gamejolt (link).

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